Manicaland Auto Services Disclaimer

  • All persons entering a Manicaland Auto vehicle and/or property do so entirely AT THEIR OWN RISK.
  • Manicaland Auto does not provide general insurance cover for property and luggage of its passengers.
  • Manicaland Auto, its Directors, Officers, Employees, Servants, or Agents shall not be liable for loss, injury, loss of life, or damage of whatever nature and howsoever caused, whether or not caused by negligence arising out of or connected to the conveyance or non-conveyance by Manicaland Auto.
  • Legal actions based on any misinterpretation of this disclaimer shall not constitute legal notice to Manicaland Auto or its representatives regarding any existing or potential claim.

This disclaimer is subject to the laws governing transportation in Zimbabwe. Passengers should review their rights and options under these laws.

Passengers are responsible for all belongings onboard, including luggage, electronics, personal items, and valuables. The company assumes no liability for lost, damaged, or stolen items. We recommend keeping valuables with you for the duration of your trip.

By using Manicaland Auto Services, passengers agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. For any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service team.